Meet the best environment construction solutions
provided by Samhwa ACE through various professional
technologies and high efficiency, low cost,
and optimum use of spaces

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Meet various site-specific, high-efficiency, energy-saving
product groups wherein the professionalism
and technical expertise of Samhwa ACE in
air-handling units (AHU) are applied.

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삼화에이스, 제48회 납세자의 날 '
모범납세자' 기획재정부 장관 표창

24 APR 2019

납세의무를 성실히 이행하여 선진납세문화 정착과 국가재정에 크게 기여한 성실 납세자에게 주어지는 상으로써, 그 성실정을 인정받아 수상일로부터 최장 2 년간 세무조사를 면제받게 되며, 전국 세무관서 민원봉사실의 전용창구 이용,

Professionalism and technical expertise of Samhwa ACE in the air-Handling unit (AHU)


We visit customers with the best services

We realize customer satisfaction through close partnership.
We also provide customers with the best services based on
extensive knowledge and highest safety and environmental
standard technology.
